Monday, June 20, 2005

Differences between Anabaptists and Evangelicals

If you are an evangelical and reading this, I will be the first to say that it is not my intent to offend anyone. I have quite a few evangelical friends, and I am not in any way questioning their sincerity, and certainly not their salvation. Having said that however, we do disagree on some doctrines, and it is these that I wish to briefly mention here.

We disagree about the relativity of church to state. We are at odds about the methods used for being in the world, but not of the world. We have different views about how grace affects our life after we are born again. And perhaps most importantly, is the way we interpret scripture, Anabaptists taking a strict and non-changing literal view, and holding the New Testament above the Old.

However, perhaps what has made Anabaptists stand out the most is their radical two kingdom belief. This belief strongly influences my own life—spiritually and physically. For instance, how can I go to war if Jesus plainly taught that His kingdom is not of this world? How can I even consider going to war when there is the possibility of shooting down my own brothers in Christ? Ephesians 6:12 says: For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens. So you can see that the real war is not the USA versus everyone else (for the US is not God's chosen nation), but God's chosen people, Christians, versus Satan's kingdom. My membership is to another kingdom, and I am simply an ambassador to this temporary kingdom. My homage, respect, and honor all go to another Commander-in-Chief (sorry, Bush).

Having said all this, I conclude that many doctrines of evangelicals are scripturally incorrect. They have arrived at this point because of compromises throughout the ages, and at last arrived at the point where evangelical youth act no different than the world's youth, engaging in premarital sex, drugs, and other shameful acts. And the problem is, most of them don't even know its wrong.

Later on, I may touch on some of the things I only briefly mentioned. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all,

Free Radical