You guys may have noticed (or maybe you haven’t – I haven’t really been around long enough yet for all y’all to know my habits) that I stay the crap away from politics around here. That’s partly because I don’t want to get my butt spammed off, but also because I’ve got absolutely no clue about I’m voting for yet. That being said ... let’s talk about John McCain. He’s making me think of Al Gore lately, and I kind of like him for that. Then again, Dana Carvey’s Gore-theories on a recent comedy special sort of make me want to write in the guy’s name, for President of the World, so he can rule over global warming. But anyway...
Johnny’s put this offer on the table, see, and it really makes me wish I’d paid more attention in chemistry and physics and ... you know, whatever. Three million dollars, folks, for being able to come up with a battery for hybrid or electric cars – but not just any battery, oh no. It has to be able to actually work – I mean, really make it worth buying a fuel-saving car. Power, size, cost, and capacity – they’ve all got to be aces. And how does he propose to fund that giant reward? Everyone in America, every adult and child, gives one dollar. You know, I could get down with that. Dang, I’d donate a butt load more than that, if someone proposed a similar idea to get the country the crap out of debt.