Sci fi worshippers and Jetsons fans the world over have long been dreaming about the reality of the jet pack. In fact, for years many of us have been left feeling bitter and disenchanted, due to the fact that the Jetsons clearly lied to us. Not only do we not have any jet packs, we don't have any flying cars, either. Quite the contrary, you can't even take the frigging train now without being crammed in beside the other passengers like sardines and suffering through a nine hour trip with someone breathing questionable breath into your face as they attempt to sleep on your shoulder. Unless of course you have the riches required to get a sleeper car or bedroom.
Of course, if you have an extra hundred grand lying around, now you actually can buy a jet pack. Yes! They are coming into existence! The Martin Aircraft Company of Christchurch, out of New Zealand, is one of many companies perfecting the art of jet pack travel. Currently, their version -- which runs on two turbojet engines instead of a rocket engine -- is at the head of the pack. The way things are going, it might be affordable for the rest of us somewhere around 2030, so hey! Start saving!