Friday, August 29, 2008

NASA's Nasty Little Virus

So, get this junk, y'all. NASA has worms. Seriously.

One of the awesome, super special astronauts has a worm in his laptop -- and this is not the first time NASA's been infected, it turns out.

This is disturbing on so many levels, and I am not soothed by the fact that NASA has dealt with it before, nor am I soothed by the fact that they don't really seem to see a problem with this little malware boo boo. I mean, what else would they say, that they were scared to death? That they're terribly afraid that mission data and other important, space related stuff was in jeopardy? Of course not. NASA isn't honest, no one that big is. That's like believing politicians tell the truth.

My biggest problem here -- and it seems to echo in a lot of the blogs and news reports I've read on this -- is how can they be so sure nothing was seen, taken, accessed? How do they know? It's all well and good to pat the public on the head in the hopes of making them think that some little super smart, sixteen year old hacker is just up to some mischievous tricks, har-de-har, those darn kids, but that does not answer the question of how in the frigging world does the International frigging Space Station attract malware? How? What? Huh?

We'll know the answer, I guess, when Russia blows us up or something.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gaming Technology

Keep up with the latest in the gaming industry over at, a gaming technology that covers the latest games and gaming industry news. Gaming technology has never been covered like this before.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"We can rebuild him. We have the technology."

Well ... kind of. See, Nike made this. It’s the PreCool vest. The way it’s made, it’s supposed to take longer for the core temperature of your body to heat up to the point where you start getting exhausted. Right now, it’s being used during the Olympic Games over in Beijing – just as a prototype, of course.

You fill the vest up with cold water, which adds about 8 pounds onto you. The fabric keeps you from freezing, there’s insulation, and even a layer of aluminum that will reflect heat.

Naturally, it’s supposed to help you when you’re out on the playing field. Supposedly, like you’re the Six Million Dollar Man, it will make you faster, stronger, healthier – just better, basically.

And a little known fact: it’s actually styled after the mini dresses that were popular in the 60s.

Friday, August 15, 2008

You know, my birthday was Sunday...

...and if any of you awesome readers that I don't really know would like to get this for me, I'll ... well. Write a post on your piece-o'-technology-o'-choice. Okay?

Seriously, I don't even really have anything to say. I just think this is beautiful. It's the diNovo Edge from Logitech. Mind you, up to this point, I've really only thought of Logitech as a good product that I looked for when I wanted to get something useful but basic for, you know. Cheap. Like, I've got 9856 of their optical mice, one wireless optical mouse, one wireless keyboard (they came in a set, don'cha know?), and two webcams. Why? Because I needed them at the time, they were moderately cool in the tech department, and more importantly, I could afford them.

I cannot afford this. Well, I can, and I'll probably by it eventually because my GF got one for frigging FREE, and I saw it up close and touched it and admired my reflection in its shiny, shiny surface ... and then I had to leave it. And my soul still weeps.

Also, typing is a dream, it is hot as hell, and it's got what they call "backlit stealth controls" and I'm sorry, but that just seeps of awesome like an infection and I want one.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

I sing in praise of getting 5 bars on my cell phone.

Good news for us poor shmucks who still don’t have decent cell phone service in our homes. I live in central New York and my cell phone only gets bars in, like, three rooms of a nine room house – only a third of the whole frigging house!

..but anyway! Sprint’s offering up this thing called the Airwave, which is made by Samsung. Essentially, it’s a miniature cell phone tower that works through your broadband. It covers up to five thousand square feet and as many as three cell phones can be used at the same time within its range. Admittedly, T-Mobile’s @Home is similar to this, and it may or may not be cheaper ... and I, for one, have T-Mobile, but whatever, teeny little home based cell phone towers in general are super neat, and considering all the snarking I do about cell phones in general and coverage in particular, it gets a couple of stars from me.