Wednesday, July 13, 2005

If Only

I subscribe to the Daily Dig, a service by email via Bruderhof and I thought this one was pretty good.
If Only

Dorothy Day

Think what the world could look like if we took care of the poor even half as well as we do our bibles!

What do you think?
Subscribe here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Poverty.....and what to do about it

    I have really been thinking about this recently, and heres the scoop. We know the G-8 summit was to help African starving people, and yet, what do we do? Don't we have more of a part than to just wear our ONE bracelets and attend a free concert? I'm as confused as anybody. When I was young and didn't eat my peas (I still don't), my mom would say, "Just think of all all the poor people who would be happy for a bite of those peas....." And my response was always the same, "They may have them!" But, I mean, thoughts and pity really don't help these poor people. Isn't there something more we can do? I don't really have answers, mostly questions.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Sin of Sodom (and America)

It is well known and easily seen from the Biblical account that Sodom fell for its wickedness. To be specific it was their immorality epitomized by their rampant homosexuality that brought God’s judgment on the great city. But surely one specific sin of immorality although very widespread was not their only mistake. Surely there were other steps that led them down that path and the Bible records these for us through the witness of the prophet Ezekiel: “This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.” (NRSV Ezekiel 16:49) Sodom’s sin was the sin of pride. Although they had food in abundance and plenty of leisure time they only cared about themselves and furthering their own assets while saying that the poor just need to quit being lazy to have food.

How much does this remind us of the attitude of the upper and higher middle class in America today? The reason for the destruction of Sodom was that they become so engulfed with themselves, that they forgot those in need. How about us? Are we really willing to think seriously about the way Jesus reached out to the people with needs? Are we willing to zealously follow His example?

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fear Not; I am with you

I have always appreciated the articles by Johann Christoff Arnold on Bruderhof, and this one was no exception. As always, he came through with a refreshing new perspective, in the wake of the London bombings. Read it here. A quote that stood out to me was:
But it seems to me that amid all the tumult, we are missing the most important thing. If 9/11 really changed us (as so many people claim) then why are we once again seeking protection in heightened security and military might? If we have really seen enough bloodshed and violence, then why aren’t we turning to God for help?

Friday, July 08, 2005

London Bombings

Theres so much to say about the bombings I barely know where to begin. Bear with me as I try to get my random thoughts and ramblings organized. When I first heard about the bombings, the first thing I thought of (honest!), was, Conspiracy! Hey this is just the thing Tony Blair needs to get the people united. Ready to go to war? You bettya! Remember what it was like after 9-11? The patriotism, the fervor, the united spirit? Is it coming back now? Where did it go? I have one word. War.
But then I was like, why? This theory is ridiculous! Anyway, so as random thoughts were running through my head....unification.....Blair popularity....G-8 summit distraction.....I finally concluded that nothing was really for sure.
Although it was fun again.....
Currently they are saying it was only homemade bombs. I don't profess to know. Nor do I care. I AM wondering though why so many people are going hysterical over these few deaths when many, many more are dying of hunger all over the world.
Don't get me wrong. I will be praying for the families of those killed. But I also will pray for many more people who are dying for lack of food.
Wishing you all God's love, and praying that we could pass it on to those around us....and those on the other side of the world.
Thank you, Free Radical

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Why Jesus Zealots?

    Someone recently remarked to me about the irony of the name Jesus Zealots. Why zealots, I was asked? In Jesus' time, zealots were fighting for a different kingdom, in a different way. I was asked why, if they had advocated violence and destruction to their enemies, why then would we, pacifist in belief and admonition, so aptly choose to align ourselves with them by a common name? Their are several reasons. The most important, is the Jesus with it. That's what makes all the difference. Until Jesus' time, there were no teachings to contradict social action by means of violence. The zealots of that day were fighting for a cause they sincerely believed in, for a God and a people they believed in. They were anxiously awaiting the promised Messiah, and they believed they were doing what they could to further His kingdom. However, unfortunate as this may be, they were wrong. Jesus' kingdom was not one of violence, it was one of love. It was not one to work through war and social action, it worked from the bottom up.
In closing, I apologize for another boring post. It covers mostly the same stuff as before. But when I have some more time, I will talk about other stuff. And so I remain, your brother in Christ,
Free Radical


I'm currently experiencing some minor issues with the blog when viewed with internet explorer, so bear with me.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

What is the Christian's role?

Dave is shouting hallejulah over a report of a Christian succession movement (Mike is also interested). I assume this is news although WND, the source of the report, has been known for reporting rumors not worthy of an organization claiming to be the biggest, best, and most reliable alternative news source.

While I believe that on the authority of the constitution they can secede, I am not convinced that it is supportable from the authority of our Teacher, Guide, and Mentor. Sure, I am excited to see this political theory tested, but not by Christians. A Christian state has never worked under the teachings of Christ, meaning it is therefore unworthy of the designation "Christian." "Christian" rulers (I consider the term oxy-moronic, Jesus came for the poor, needy, defenseless, and lowly, not the the rich and powerful.) always end up deciding that there are realities more real than discipleship including violence. They always use the ends to excuse the means. But for the Christian the means is as important as the end. To the follower of Christ, discipleship (unswerving committment to the teachings and life of Jesus Christ) is the basic reality; we call it faith.

I contend that Christians should be separate from the world, but not isolated. We should be different, yet being an influence. We are the city set on the hill; we are the salt of the earth; we are the light for this generation. Our Kingdom is not limited to earthly governments, but to all people everywhere. We, the Kingdom Christians should have a global mindset. Remember, that one day all earthly kingdoms will end in rebellion against God, but the Church, the Bride and Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God, the Colony of Heaven, the Israel of God will not end. So let us go forth to ALL nations confessing Jesus as King and using His teachings as our Guidebook (maybe the Sermon on the Mount as a constitution?). For Christ, His Kingdom, and His people, Disciple

Random thoughts

Of course many readers of this blog will expect a review of Sandra Day O' Conner's resignation and the judicial battles facing our nations. Well, if you need to read that bit of power politics there are plenty of online reviews out there. Personally, Im not so sure that politics really change things. Earthly empires rise and fall, ideologies come and go, but the word of God lasts for ever and to the increase of His Kingdom there will be no end. It is funny though that some think that of three branches of our government, two must be activist and the other must not.

A while ago Doug said, ""The institution of slavery generally as it was practiced in the South was sinful, both overall and in a number of particulars. Nevertheless, in that setting it was possible for a Christian individual to own a slave without sinning individually." (Comments by Dave and Harry thinks he should be a politician.) I think I may agree. But individual sin is not the only sin, there is communal sin such as legal oppresion of the poor, slavery, and imperialism.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Cross of Christ

I agree with FreeRadical that too much is said about the cross to the exclusion of the true power of Christianity– the Resurrection. However Jesus did say that those who do not take up their crosses and follow Him are not His disciples. So what does it mean to "take up one’s cross?" This subject is so mistreated today. Well, what did the cross mean for Jesus? First, the cross was a cruel punishment only used for those who threatened the empire, society, or established order of the Roman way of life. God’s messengers have been accused of being anti-patriotic and of treason since the days of Amos and Jeremiah. So why are we content to just sit around and occasionally critique the government online. These men (especially Jesus) were building a new kingdom that led them to a clash with the kingdoms of this world (sometimes called principalities–remember that a principality is a territory ruled by a prince...hint, hint). So are there true zealous disciples of Christ willing to do this in our generation? If so, we must take up our electric chairs and follow Christ. This means we are following Christ and even fear of electrocution does not hinder the message He has shown us. Prophets are not popular and they usually do not like their message anymore than there listeners, but it is the calling of God. For Christ and His Kingdom here and coming...

Peace thoughts

This from Cory at Gutless Pacifist:
So long as we defer the means, we defer the end. "Some day, but not now" will result in "never". If you feel it now, if you long for it now, then you must pursue it now. You must be open to its happening, or you will inevitably miss it forever.

I couldn't have said it better myself. But you have to read the whole article to get the real blessing.

Friday, July 01, 2005

More Bush Bashing.....LOL

Check out this site!

Our Leaders....

Whoa.....did I just see right???!!! Did Disciple actually post something???!! Anyway, thanks for making this a team blog....thought it was going to turn out solo.....
Couldn't have said it better myself Disciple, that part about GWB being hypocritically fact I was going to post something about it myself. What about capital punishment? Do we as humans really have the right to decide when a man's life is to end?
Anyway, I found some interesting verses about the devil last here goes:
John 14:30 I will no longer speak much with you, for the ruler of the world is coming. He has no power over me.....
2 Corinthians 4:4 in whose case the god of this age has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that they may not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (NASB)
Satan?! Ruler of the world? God of this age?? Wait a second! This is the world were living in??! But what about Bush? Isn't he a Christian? Well, okay, so I'm not gonna actually cast judgment, but some of his actions would highly suggest an un-Christian attitude, to put it lightly. Don't forget, Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world, so he apparently has control over them, at least to some extent. So how am I going to respond when the pawn of the ruler of this world orders me to go to war? Even when Jesus clearly teaches otherwise? Do you cite Romans 13, and obey your ruler and go to war? Let me ask you a harder question (or maybe easier). What if GWB, or any other president or government, forced you to renounce Jesus? Would we again cite Romans 13?? The Bible is very clear that we can only obey men if we are not disobeying God.
Oh, and btw, on another interesting note, are you going to catch me casting my vote for a candidate for the high office of one of the kingdoms of this world? NO! As I have said before, I say again, no man can serve two masters, and I am serving the true Master.
In closing, if I have not made my point clear, let me say that using politics to change the world is not the way of Jesus, nor is it taught anywhere in the Bible.
For Christ and the Kingdom,
~Free Radical

Social Activism

I am watching what Rev. Roberts will say next. Ive always appreciated the way he covers a topic while disagreeing with him on numerous issues. As far as the seventh post in his series, I fail to connect with Mark. I am not convinced that democracy is the way for Christians to better themselves. I ask of our individualistic democracy what I ask about our materialistic capitalism, When so many display greed and selfishness how can the end result be a common good? Of course I am always accused of being a Communist. But I really think that some of the ideals of socialists come closer to the the teachings of our Teacher than that of PowerCapitalism. Personally, I have been very much impacted by the Stanely Haurwas' Resident Aliens in which he describes the church as a colony of heaven and a subculture working for a new kingdom. This has always been my focus as an Anabaptist concerned with discipleship and brotherhood. Now, I am not calling the church to isolation, but rather influence through non-participation in the worldly systems. Perhaps I can elaborate more later. For the Kingdom, Disciple

About Bush

Allow me to share my little perspective on President Bush. Frankly I dont like him. I wish he were really pro-life. While I appreciate that his belief in the immorality of abortion, why does send Americans to kill other living human beings? (Notice that he is pro-life when it comes to unborn human beings but not so when it comes to those who oppose his agenda in Muslim countries around the world. As Graham Old said, "Life may very well begin at conception, but it most certainly does not end at birth." Im not sure if that is the exact quote but is how I remember it. So while I dont like him I still try to pray that God will show him the right. And unlike freeradical I am not counting the seconds until his term is up because I dont foresee his replacement as being a huge improvement. Personally as an Anabaptist I see the path to change in the acts of individual Christians working for the Kingdom of God (which is separate from the kingdoms of this world) and not through governmental control. Those who are truly Christians live as Christ lived according to the Apostle John. I havent seen that in Bush or any other poltician, lets just endeavor to do that for ourselves.