Friday, July 01, 2005
About Bush
Allow me to share my little perspective on President Bush. Frankly I dont like him. I wish he were really pro-life. While I appreciate that his belief in the immorality of abortion, why does send Americans to kill other living human beings? (Notice that he is pro-life when it comes to unborn human beings but not so when it comes to those who oppose his agenda in Muslim countries around the world. As Graham Old said, "Life may very well begin at conception, but it most certainly does not end at birth." Im not sure if that is the exact quote but is how I remember it. So while I dont like him I still try to pray that God will show him the right. And unlike freeradical I am not counting the seconds until his term is up because I dont foresee his replacement as being a huge improvement. Personally as an Anabaptist I see the path to change in the acts of individual Christians working for the Kingdom of God (which is separate from the kingdoms of this world) and not through governmental control. Those who are truly Christians live as Christ lived according to the Apostle John. I havent seen that in Bush or any other poltician, lets just endeavor to do that for ourselves.