Monday, July 11, 2005

The Sin of Sodom (and America)

It is well known and easily seen from the Biblical account that Sodom fell for its wickedness. To be specific it was their immorality epitomized by their rampant homosexuality that brought God’s judgment on the great city. But surely one specific sin of immorality although very widespread was not their only mistake. Surely there were other steps that led them down that path and the Bible records these for us through the witness of the prophet Ezekiel: “This was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not aid the poor and needy.” (NRSV Ezekiel 16:49) Sodom’s sin was the sin of pride. Although they had food in abundance and plenty of leisure time they only cared about themselves and furthering their own assets while saying that the poor just need to quit being lazy to have food.

How much does this remind us of the attitude of the upper and higher middle class in America today? The reason for the destruction of Sodom was that they become so engulfed with themselves, that they forgot those in need. How about us? Are we really willing to think seriously about the way Jesus reached out to the people with needs? Are we willing to zealously follow His example?