Of course many readers of this blog will expect a review of Sandra Day O' Conner's resignation and the judicial battles facing our nations. Well, if you need to read that bit of power politics there are plenty of online reviews out there. Personally, Im not so sure that politics really change things. Earthly empires rise and fall, ideologies come and go, but the word of God lasts for ever and to the increase of His Kingdom there will be no end. It is funny though that some think that of three branches of our government, two must be activist and the other must not.
A while ago Doug said, ""The institution of slavery generally as it was practiced in the South was sinful, both overall and in a number of particulars. Nevertheless, in that setting it was possible for a Christian individual to own a slave without sinning individually." (Comments by Dave and Harry thinks he should be a politician.) I think I may agree. But individual sin is not the only sin, there is communal sin such as legal oppresion of the poor, slavery, and imperialism.